The Reluctant Servant

So often, congregational leaders struggle to fill positions and wonder why everyone doesn’t just do their part.  But unfortunately that isn’t easy for many of us.  Let’s look in Exodus at Moses, one of God’s first “large group leaders” of the children of Israel who truly was a reluctant servant.  Think about him.  God himself called to Moses from a burning bush.  He told Moses, “I am sending you.”

What was Moses reply?

“Who Am I?”

God told Moses, I will be with you. I will tell you what to say.  All you have to do is tell the children of Israel that I have sent you and tell Pharaoh to let my people go.  I know he’s hardened his heart and he’s not going to let the children of Israel go until my mighty hand compels him.

Yet Moses came up with well, suppose this happens, or they ask who sent me or what if?  Sound familiar?

God didn’t ask or tell Moses to make it happen.  That was God’s part.  He was going to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt but God graciously allows us to be part of his plan.  So often, we think we need to accomplish God’s work on our own.  But God wants us to trust him and he will provide the words and actions at the appropriate times.

We might be thinking, “Well if God spoke to me…. then I would step up.”  But unfortunately, we too have self doubt, worries (Can I really do that?), and fears (What if they don’t like me?) Satan works really hard to keep us from doing our part and living out the calling God has placed on our hearts.  Satan knows just the buttons to push.  For me, it’s I can’t write.  Or I’m just a woman… and a lay person at that.  So often, he just stops us from living out our calling.

Moses at one point says, “Please send someone else!”  God’s answer was to provide him a partner to help- Aaron.  We need other people who have gifts and abilities that complement ours.  When we are deficient in a skill we need to seek others who are more proficient and invite them to join us in the Lord’s work.

God told Moses, “I will help both of you to speak and will teach you what to do.”  We don’t always know how to do what God is calling us to do.  We need to grow in our gifts and abilities in order to fulfill our purpose.  God has placed so many people in my life to help me.  People who have knowledge and the gift of wisdom.  Others who do have the ability to write.  And encouragers who are  on the sidelines cheering me on and praying for me.

Each of us struggles to know what our calling is.  What has God put me on this earth to do?  Even Moses doubted the plan God had for him.  Are you listening to where God is calling you?  What is Satan using to keep you from living out your unique role in God’s kingdom?

Here’s a little inspiration.  God loves us.  He saved us. He has a plan for us.  Out of gratitude let’s be a part of His plan!

“Who Am I?”

Want to know more about the story of Moses?  Check out the book of Exodus.

Help me with my research to help congregations to more effectively engage members in ministry.  What is Satan using to keep you from living out your unique role in God’s kingdom?