What are Your Spiritual Gifts Part 2

What are Your Spiritual Gifts?

Part 2

Part 1 looked at the basic overview of spiritual gifts.  You can read it here.

Today, let’s look at ten of the spiritual gifts.  But before we do, here are three very important points that I want you to remember.

  1. None of the spiritual gifts are more or less important than the other. All of the gifts are needed.
  2. All of these gifts are to be used for the benefit of others and God’s kingdom.
  3. The spiritual gifts must be used in love.


Administration is the gift to organize, delegate and motivate people in such a way that what needs to be done gets done.


Evangelism is the gift to present the Gospel especially to those who are not a part of the Body of Christ.


Encouragement is the gift to bring words of comfort and consolation, encouragement and counsel to other members of the Body of Christ in such a way that they are helped and healed.


Faith is the gift to see something that needs to be done and believe that God will do it even if it looks impossible.


Giving is the gift to contribute material resources with extraordinary generosity to the work of the Lord.


Serving (General) is the gift to work behind the scenes in practical ways to make it easier for others to carry out the ministry of the Word.


Serving (Arts and Crafts) is the gift of artistic ability and creativity to enhance and build up the Kingdom within a church in this supportive role.


Serving (Manual Arts) is the gift of skilled hands used in practical ways to make it possible for others to carry out the ministry of the Word.


Hospitality is the gift of being able to make visitors and strangers feel welcome and at home.


Prayer is the gift to pray earnestly and with persistence, knowing that there will be positive effects in building the Kingdom.


Do you see yourself having any of these gifts?  Which ones?  Being able to recognize your strengths allows you to live more intentionally.


Can you recognize any of these gifts in other people that you know?  Learning to “see” these gifts in others allows you to encourage others to use them when you verbally acknowledge them when they are using the gift.


LOOK for these gifts in others this week.  Next week, we will look at more spiritual gifts.