Getting people involved in ministry at your church can seem like pulling teeth. There are so many things vying for people’s attention these days. And yet, you continue to try. So what are you trying?
Are you begging for volunteers? “PLEASE HELP”.
Threatening? “If we don’t get anyone to help we won’t do…”
Wishing? “I wish someone would just take out the garbage!”
Praying? “Lord, please send someone.”
Intentionally matching people’s gifts and passions with the needs of this world?
By investing in people, and identifying and understanding their unique gifts and interests you can get the right person, serving in the right place, at the right time and for the right reasons!
The challenge to doing this is becoming intentional and creating a sustainable, ongoing system that is continually helping people to understand their unique God-given purpose and callings during their different seasons of life.
If you would like to have a deeper understanding of how to create a system to unleash your members into meaningful ministry opportunities please check out these upcoming events.
Free Webinars: Creating a Member Ministry System in Your Congregation
On-line Course: Multiply Member Ministry: Unleash People’s God-given Potential