Better Together!

By Tania Koplin

Can you imagine teaching in a one room school, with no staff, no pastor and no church? Or being a quarterback playing football with no team? Being part of a team, or a network, can be a blessing no matter what your role is in ministry. Whether you are called, hired, or volunteering, being part of a team is necessary for ministry to grow and be impactful. 

The Faith Unleashed Ministry Network has been a blessing for so many reasons. First, friends, friends, friends! As Lori Lorig, founder of Faith Unleashed, began to train more Personal Member Ministry Coordinators, she wisely saw a need to connect us. We each were mentored individually by Lori, but being part of the Network became the connection. When we started, we were all new to this ministry. The first year, she invited us all to a retreat weekend. That one event solidified our friendships and gave us time to see each other in real time rather than a little zoom square. Our work together after that retreat became more effective because we had become friends. Beyond our network call, we send emails for a quick answer to a question, feedback, or just to encourage each other.  

Each month we start with a focus on Scripture, followed by a topic for discussion. These topics are a great review.  Ministry is repetitive and ongoing so these topics are always applicable.  There is always something valuable to learn from each other. Having a monthly “education” moment keeps us learning and growing together. 

Often being a leader in ministry can be lonely although you are usually working with people. Being part of this like-minded team has been a blessing. It has given us a safe place to share blessings and challenges. Even though our ministry contexts all look very different, we are all part of the greater Kingdom. Being part of this Network allows us to be better together!

I have recently changed focus in my ministry from being the Personal Member Ministry (PMM) Coordinator to Children and Family Ministry. I will remain part of the Ministry Network because it is still applicable for this new ministry. No matter what your ministry role or context is, you are not alone. Ministry is about connecting, building relationships, developing people, and making an impact for the purpose of unleashing people to GO and share Jesus. The Faith Unleashed Ministry Network is a group of friends, learning and growing together, and doing ministry as a team. 

Are you interested in developing yourself as a ministry professional, and finding camaraderie with fellow ministry coordinators around the country? You don’t have to do this alone! Invest in yourself and ministry! Whether you are a volunteer coordinator, youth and family ministry leader or in another position responsible for organizing and leading ministry, join the Network for best practices in developing, maintaining and growing ministry and the systems that support blossoming programs. Get encouragement and support from fellow Christians in similar roles! Learn more and join the Network today!

Meet the Author

Tania Kopplin has been doing ministry in a variety of contexts for more than 30 years.  She has spent most of her time as a full-time elementary teacher at Lutheran elementary schools. In 2020, Tania retired from full-time teaching to pursue developing a Children and Family Ministry at Divine Peace Church in Rockwall, Texas. However, because of post covid and being at a new mission church there were not many children at that time. This is when the church met Lori Lorig and began consulting with Faith Unleashed. Tania became the Personal Member Ministry Coordinator, trained with Lori and became part of the Ministry Network. Tania served as the PMM Coordinator for three years. In July of 2024, she passed the baton to a new coordinator. She hopes to use all her training and knowledge to now develop a Children’s Ministry based on the same eight key concepts for Personal Member Ministry. Tania is blessed to be mom of three beautiful kids, ages 26, 23, and 20, that love Jesus and also use their gifts to serve their community, their church and their Savior.