Sabotaging Member Involvement

Are you or your people sabotaging your efforts to involve more people in ministry? Often congregations struggle with getting people involved.  Certain behavior or attitudes may have invaded the culture of your congregation. Today, let’s address three people issues that can possibly be sabotaging your efforts. Negativity- Often we approach...

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What are Your Spiritual Gifts from God? Part 3

Today we are going to look at the definition of nine more spiritual gifts and look at some of the confirmatory spiritual gifts that were given to the early apostles.  As you read through the definitions think about whether you have that particular gift or if you can think of...

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What are Your Spiritual Gifts Part 2

What are Your Spiritual Gifts? Part 2 Part 1 looked at the basic overview of spiritual gifts.  You can read it here. Today, let’s look at ten of the spiritual gifts.  But before we do, here are three very important points that I want you to remember. None of the...

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What Are Your Spiritual Gifts? Part 1

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. (1 Peter 4:10)   All believers are given spiritual gifts from God and they are part of what we are to do here on this earth.  Do you know what...

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Why Faith Unleashed?

People have asked, “Why did you decide to call your consulting business Faith Unleashed?” It may seem like an odd name to some, but for me it spoke directly to what I was trying to achieve.  I want to unleash the God-given potential of believers to serve inside and outside...

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7 Stumbling Blocks Keeping Christians from Serving

I’ve found there to be multiple reasons why some people aren’t serving with their church families.  Often it is because they don’t know how, where or why to serve. The church doesn’t have an intentional and consistent system to engage members in active ministry.  Most often they aren’t serving because...

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