Leadership is a Journey

By Cindy Jansen Welcome to Our Leadership Journey! Hello, and welcome! If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a Christian leader passionate about making a difference in your church, community or workplace. Whether you’re leading a ministry team, a board meeting or an entire congregation–we’re excited to walk alongside you...

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Do Your Members Know How to Proclaim Jesus?

Barna Research provided this statistic in 2017. 51% of Christians don’t know what the Great Commission is. Do you think that statistic has changed in a positive way since then? Here’s some more interesting WELS statistics. As of 2019 (NOTE: this is pre-COVID) the WELS had 1,269 congregations. Less than...

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Is Your Church Built on Trust or Distrust?

During this season of the pandemic, I’ve been finishing up my certification as a Church Consultant. I’ve found the online courses to be very insightful and affirming regarding many of the challenges our congregations face- especially in relation to engaging volunteers.   The top barriers identified as keeping churches from...

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Churches are Re-opening: What Did You Learn?

So what did you learn over the last ninety days? Have you thought about it? “Change in the church” has often been a joke. It takes some churches forever to make a change because we humans resist change. This time change wasn’t optional. It was forced upon us. We had...

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Develop Your Church’s Top Resource- People!

God is very clear in his direction to pastors and other leaders in the church. In Ephesians 4:12 he describes the role of pastors and teachers is to prepare, equip, train God’s people for works of service or for ministry, so the body of Christ- the Church (yep, universal church)...

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Establish a Low Threshold High Ceiling Approach to Serving

Would you like to multiply the number of people serving in your congregation? Here’s a math teaching concept I would like you to consider applying to your church.  The concept is called Low Threshold High Ceiling Tasks. Here’s the teaching definition: “Low Threshold High Ceiling Tasks are those all students can...

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