12 Things Members Need to Be Involved

12 things People in YOUR Church are Looking for in Order to Become or Stay Engaged in Ministry Personal Invitation to Something They Are Passionate About- People really do want to be involved. But if they are personally invited to something they really care about they are much more likely...

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What’s Your Kingdom Purpose?

I ran across a couple of pages in SHAPE by Erik Reese today that made me think of all of you.  Do you know what your kingdom purpose is? Do your friends or fellow church members know their purpose? Let the following words from SHAPE be inspiration to you. “Every...

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Words Matter: Vocabulary Shifts for Member Ministry

The words we use often communicate things we don’t mean to communicate. For instance, do you use the word “volunteer” in regard to opportunities for people to serve at church? In today’s culture, volunteer means to do something freely by choice.  That also means we can freely choose to not...

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Develop Your Church’s Top Resource- People!

God is very clear in his direction to pastors and other leaders in the church. In Ephesians 4:12 he describes the role of pastors and teachers is to prepare, equip, train God’s people for works of service or for ministry, so the body of Christ- the Church (yep, universal church)...

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Would You Like to Engage More People in Ministry in 2018? In January, we expanded our reach through the use of technology with a Free Webinar: Creating a Member Ministry System and an On-line Training Course: Multiply Member Ministry that went on with such sucess that I can’t wait to...

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Christ’s Love Compels Us

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.  And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 What a beautiful verse to meditate...

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Involve More People in Ministry in 2018

Getting people involved in ministry at your church can seem like pulling teeth.  There are so many things vying for people’s attention these days.  And yet, you continue to try. So what are you trying? Are you begging for volunteers? “PLEASE HELP”. Threatening? “If we don’t get anyone to help...

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Getting Leadership Buy-In

Creating a Member Ministry System: Getting Leadership Buy-In In the church, before Luther’s time there was a very skewed view of how the church was to be done.  In the Catholic Church only the priests were allowed to read and explain the Word of God and to do the work...

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